The Paulo Freire Method, 58 years after Angicos
Nelson Adriano Ferreira de Vasconcelos 1 * , Rosylane Doris de Vasconcelos 2
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1 Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil
2 Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
* Corresponding Author


The objective of this paper is to recover the legacy of the literacy method created by Paulo Freire 58 years ago, based on his experiments and studies, his personal history and sharing of experiences, as lived out with a group of educators and students in the countryside of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. From this point, the aim is to reinvent it, given the new educational challenges imposed by the development and insertion of new digital communication technologies into the current social reality of Brazil. Based on Freire's social theory, as expressed in its presuppositions and legacy, the text presents a re-reading of its main categories, thus enabling the elaboration of proposals for the digital literacy of children, youth, adults and the elderly, for their critical, conscious and active inclusion in the use, production and transformation of information and communication technologies (ICT). This presentation begins by recounting the literacy experiment in Angicos, focusing on the main topics of the method developed, proceeding to problematize current indicators of illiteracy, together with the contextualization of development in the last decades of ICT, to reflect then on possibilities of training and transformation through digital literacy proposals, reinventing Paulo Freire.



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