Peer Review Process
1. The manuscript submitted for publication has not been published before, except in the form of abstracts, preprints, published lectures, theses, proceedings-type publications, or discussion papers that have not undergone full journal peer-review, and it is not under consideration for peer-reviewed publication elsewhere.
2. The articles submitted for publication will be evaluated according to originality, academic objectivity and scientific quality criteria.
3. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed for compliance with the Journal initially by the Editor. If the Editor judges the paper not to be appropriate for the Journal, the Editor will send an email with that advice in a week.
4. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal undergo an initial assessment to check whether the paper is in scope. If the Associated Editor judges the paper to be more appropriate for a Journal with a different scope, the Editor will send an email with that advice in a week.
5. The reviewers are asked to evaluate manuscripts in 4 weeks. In case the major revisions are needed, this period may take an additional month after the revised version is submitted to the journal.
6. The names of the reviewers remain strictly confidential.
7. The manuscript is sent at least two reviewers. If one of the reviewers is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript is sent to a third member, then, the Editor and the Assistant Editor will give their final decision by examining the reports of all referees.
8.The author(s) should respond to Editor's, Associated Editor's and Editorial Advisory Board's comments in a professional and timely manner.
9. The author(s) should inform the editor if they withdraw their work from review.
10. If the author(s) does/do not agree with the criticism and suggestions, they have the right to appeal with reasons.
11. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will be returned to the author(s).
12. The copyright of accepted articles to be published is considered to have been transferred to the International Journal of Didactical Studies.
13. The author(s) should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.
14. There are no publication fees.
15. The author(s) is/ are aware that their submission will be automatically checked for plagiarism.
16. The author(s) is/are aware that papers remain permanently archived, accessible and citable.
To summarize, double-blind peer review process of the International Journal of Didactical Studies is shown in the figure given below.