Ordinary-level learners’ errors in solving simultaneous linear equations at a Zimbabwean secondary school
Young Mudavanhu 1 * , Conilius Jaison Chagwiza 2, Andrew Mashungu 3
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1 Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe
2 Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Faculty of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe
3 Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Faculty of Science Education, Bindura, Zimbabwe
* Corresponding Author


This study sought to reveal the ordinary level learners’ errors in solving simultaneous linear equations using any method of their choice at a secondary school in Chikomba district of Zimbabwe. The study used convenience sampling to select 100 learners. In the qualitative methodology adopted, data was gathered using transcripts of an achievement test and structured interviews. The study used content analysis of selected tasks to expose learners’ mental construction when solving the simultaneous linear equations.  The Ordinary Level learners consistently made procedural errors when they used the substitution, the elimination, and the matrix methods. The researchers recommend future studies to build on the loopholes of these ever-present methods and invest in hybrid ways of solving simultaneous linear equations.



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