Scientific literacy as part of the science-for-all movement
Emilio Landolfi 1 *
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1 University of the Fraser Valley, Canada
* Corresponding Author


This paper will focus on scientific literacy as part of the ‘science for all movement.’ The work reviews how the curriculum has often catered only to those hoping to pursue careers in science and how a significant group of the population remain incapable of making educated, informed choices on science-related issues and how these issues impact their everyday lives. A historical examination of illiteracy in science will be provided, along with how the ‘science for all’ movement has attempted to respond to the need for increasing scientific literacy amongst the masses.  The work will then explore how the ‘science for all’ movement relates to the larger field of ‘curriculum studies’ by examining how both positions emphasize becoming more critical, extending students’ range of perceptions, and broadening students’ perspective of the world around them.



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