Physical model in understanding deoxyribonucleic acid: Moving from physical entity to molecular unit
Karma Dorji 1 *
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1 Royal Education Council, Bhutan
* Corresponding Author


The conceptualisation of Deoxyribonucleid acid (DNA) molecule is imperative in understanding the dynamics of genetics. However, research has shown that many high school students leave the school often with little or no understanding of DNA molecule. For this, researchers who take on the constructivist approach suggest to couch the lessons on DNA through the use of physical model.  Therefore, physical model-based learning unit was contrived to enhance students’ conceptual understanding of structural and functional aspects of DNA molecule. The learning unit was implemented to thirty-eight (N=38) 10th-grade Bhutanese students. The data was collected through DNA conceptual test. The data gathered through the test was analysed based on the iterative process of coding scheme cycle developed by Chi (1997) and Miles and Huberman (1994). The result shows that the learning unit does, to a large extent, engender deeper understanding of DNA molecule. Specifically, the students’ conceptual understanding was observed in the domain of structural and the functional aspects of DNA molecule. 



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