Efficacy for inclusion and intervention practices of teachers of children with autism in the Philippines
Michael B. Cahapay 1 *
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1 College of Education, Mindanao State University, Philippines
* Corresponding Author


Efficacy as a concept in education has been extensively explored in research. However, efficacy for inclusion as related to intervention practices addressing the behavior, social, and communication problems of children with autism has not been given due attention. Thus, this study attempted to determine the relationship between efficacy for inclusion and intervention practices of teachers handling children with autism. Following a correlation research design, 34 purposively sampled special education (SpEd) teachers in Region XII, Philippines served as the respondents of this study. The results showed that the teachers have a high level of efficacy for inclusion and often use intervention practices for children with autism. It provides evidence as regards the significant influence of efficacy for inclusion on the intervention practices of teachers in handling children with autism. It is recommended that teachers should be afforded vicarious experiences that enhance their efficacy to a higher level so that they will use intervention practices to a great extent.



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